Dominance and Submission

The Mandy Slap (An Essay)

“Thank you for giving me a Mandy slap. It had to blow up. It had to collapse.”

I received this feedback yesterday from a hottie who had been spinning in circles forfuckingever.

Attempting to control what felt out of control for fear of what might happen if she just let go.

She said she had been doing this her whole life.

Talk about exhausting.

And talk about how much power she possesses if that much effort is required to suppress it.

When we chatted I didn’t mince my words.

Even though she was experiencing the rawest edge and pain.

A spot that most seek to soften for another.

Because it makes them uncomfortable.

Because they want to ‘help’.

Because they can’t see what’s really going on.

Because they actually believe the pain is real.

But the true being doesn’t experience pain.

The person who is out of touch with their true being, does.

(There’s more to this - for another time)

So I went right in.

To the eye of her storm.

Because I knew she was at her tipping point.

The hottest place to be.

Energetically, her system was BEGGING me to destroy that which appeared to be destroying her.

So I did.

By speaking directly to HER.

Not her.

And she collapsed on the spot.

Of course.

Then SHE began to erect.


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Fuck Trust (An Essay)

My work has nothing to do with trust.

There is no ‘building’ it, ‘maintaining’ it, or ‘breaking’ it.

It’s all (and only) about the energy.

When it’s pure, we play.

When it’s not, we don’t.

It’s not, and will never be, about trust.

That’s what people who deny their power need to believe is necessary for them to step fully into truth.

But you don’t need to trust another.

You need to trust yourself.

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