When Bullshit is Afoot (An Essay)

It’s not like I go around disrupting everyone and everything around me just because there’s bullshit afoot.

I don’t move until I’m moved.

When I can’t help but do it.

When it would be untrue not to whatever I’m called to do.

I never plan to fuck shit up.

I never ‘try’ to fuck shit up.

I just ‘apply pressure’ when it’s required because my being told me so.

And ‘applying pressure’ can look like anything.

It can look like speaking the truth.

It can look like not responding.

It can look like digging in.

It can look like not intervening.

The moment and the energy and the inner directive determines the move.

Not the person or the thing specifically.

Even when people in my life are going through the shit, I don’t pull a ‘Mandy’ on them just because I can.

Because unless it’s true, it does nothing for either of us.

The Mandy move only works when the energy between me and another is activated - the telltale sign that both of us are ready to play together and fuck shit up - without even knowing what’s about to go down.

And until I feel that pull, I don’t make a move.

And when I do, KA-BOOM.

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