Their Wack Vibe Doesn't Justify Yours (An Essay)

Another person’s wack vibe or move doesn’t justify or have anything to do with your own wack vibe or move that you misperceive is ‘because of’ or ‘in response to’ their supposed wackiness.

Your shit is YOUR shit.

Your vibe is YOUR vibe.

Your move is YOUR move.

No matter who or what you think is influencing it.

Deferring to the external or to another is a choice.

Elevating another above yourself is a choice.

Trusting another over yourself is a choice.

Not making your true move right now because of whatever the fuck you think matters more than that, is a choice.

There are no victims here.

You are fully responsible for taking care of your own side of the court.


And blaming another / using them as your excuse for your decision to abandon yourself, ain’t the vibe.

Owning that you left home and returning to where you belong, IS.

(Although we’re never not HOME; except through misperception)

You don’t even need to take your transgression up with the other (unless that’s the true move) because it was never about the other in the first place.

You did that all on your own.

You were given a perfect opportunity to choose truth, to choose YOU, regardless of who or what was in front of you, and it felt safer / easier / more acceptable / less vomit-inducing not to, so you didn’t.

So what.

Choose again.

That was then and you’re here now.

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