Searching For 'IT' (An Essay)

It’s not that the paradigms, tools, processes and various healing modalities don’t work.

They absolutely do.

For many people.

Just not all people.

For one leg of the journey, but not the next.

Some have tried it all, dabbled in various mystical playgrounds on their ‘search’ for what and who they already are, and these things still never hit the right spot.

Or if they did, it wasn’t for long.

So naturally, being the seekers of truth and freedom that they are, they continued their search and began exploring what lies beyond the edge of what they once believed was IT.

Most don’t have a pull to do such a thing.

They’ve already found what works great for them.

So that’s exactly what they use and teach.

And some, with incredible results.

But for those who’ve yet to come across their version of IT, it’s a painful realization that the thing they thought was IT, wasn’t actually IT for them…

and that even though IT works amazing for many of the people around them who have already found and landed on that thing that could potentially serve them and their clients for the rest of their lives…

there is infinitely more to be tasted,

for the ones who have yet to hit IT.

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