It's You Choosing; Not Them (An Essay)

If I waited for other people to want to go out when I want to go out and to want to do the kinds of things I love to do, I’d never go out and do those things and my life would be boring as fuck.

If I cared what anyone thought about what I post / think / do, I’d never share myself as freely as I do online.

If I believed that after a ‘certain age’ I should or shouldn’t (fill in the blank), I wouldn’t live as I’m meant to live.

So fuck all that made up bullshit.

My life can only ever be lived and experienced by me.

I’m fully in charge of every single moment and part of it.

Which has absolutely nothing to do with anyone else.


Same is true for you.

The people in your world can’t live your life or make your decisions and they certainly aren’t the least bit responsible for whatever the fuck you choose and experience.

That’s all on you.

You might use others to justify not living as fully and freely as you’d like,

to surrender to a sedated half-life,

but it’s you choosing that; not them.

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