When Your System Says NAH But You Do It Anyway (An Essay)

When I post incessantly, it’s true.

When I barely post, it’s true.

When I go to the party, it’s true.

When I leave halfway through, it’s true.

When I talk to a friend daily, it’s true.

When we don’t talk for months, it’s true.

No matter how inconsistent it looks in the physical,

it remains consistent in the non-physical.

The moves I make or don’t make, are true.

The only reason a person refrains from expressing what they want to as often as they want to (publicly or not),

or posts when they’d rather be offline,

or stays when they’d rather leave,

or calls / picks up despite not wanting to talk at all,

or anything else that makes their system go NAH (while they ignore the cue and carry on anyway),

is because something or someone matters more to them,

than being the living truth.

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