The Hot Window Awaits (An Essay)

There are dynamics that flatline and die, and ones that remain clean and alive even when they’re not currently activated.

The ‘hot window’ is when the activation is boomin’.

The turn on is palpable.

Sparkles are everywhere.

And you just know the purest magic is right here, right now.

Then when the turn on shifts (as it’s meant to), that particular ‘hot window’ closes and reopens elsewhere, creating a string of hot window moments that make up your whole life.

The key is to keep moving as each window closes.

To not stay where things just shut down in the hopes that they’ll open back up again.

Maybe they will.

Maybe they won’t.

But the ‘next’ (current) hot window awaits.

And when the dynamic is clean and alive, the illusory gaps between ‘hot window’ moments in that particular dynamic can be spaced out over weeks, months and years, and never be diluted.

Shit’s still hot and bangin’ when your respective systems choose to play again.

Because time has no impact on a clean vibe.

It’s always just now.

Only in the world of matter do we measure time and personalize or try to ‘fix’ the ephemeral nature of those sparkles.

We point the finger at the other as if it was their system that botched up the vibe.


Nothing got botched up.

What’s true is what’s true.

And truth is never personal.

If shit’s no longer activated between you and another, it’s because you both got exactly what was available to you through that particular hot window.

Your being extracted all the gold it could from that experience while it was alive.


No need to make you or the other wrong (or less),

or to make the whole thing a problem just because the scene is done.

The masterpiece is complete.

On to the next one.

And the next.

And the next.

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