The Is Why You're Bored (An Essay)

If the experience or person doesn’t arouse / activate something in you (even if it / they did a moment before), you really have no business fucking with it or them while that remains the case.

That flat / dead / boring / ‘can’t wait til it’s over’ vibe is your cue that:

a) it’s / they’re not for you in this moment

b) you’re also not for it / them in this moment (so you’re off the hook) and…

c) you said YES to a NO (or you wouldn’t have even gotten to the point of waiting for it to be over) which does absolutely nothing for you or the other, no matter what excuse you’re using to justify staying where you don’t belong (in an energetically limp dynamic because you’re not in full integrity).

You’re both better off not fucking with one another when the energy shifts.

Not only are there are plenty of other people and experiences in the cue ready to rock your world (and theirs) once you stop wasting both of your time pretending there’s something there when there’s not…

It’s also entirely possible that when you honour that (and every other) very obvious NO (towards the energy; not the person), an energetic shift will occur in the other and they’ll be ready to play a delicious new game that simply can’t be played when you go even 1° beyond your brilliant and powerful NO.

So until you take care of your side of the court, you’ll never know what’s actually possible (with every person and experience in your life) on the other side of every NO you keep choosing to ignore.

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